Saturday 23 April 2011

How to get super shills

1. go to enchanted woods
2. and click on the sign called, 'earn super shills' The sign next to the well
3. complete the quiz
4. make sure you got all of the answers correct
5. and click on your coins
6. there you go you have 10 golden coins

Thank you
Requested by: Jane austen

cordelia quest

1. Accept everything
2. Talk to merlin
3. Pick up the map fro mthe ground
4. Click on tum tum button next to your inventory
5. Exlpore the forest
6. Get close to the snake so it can bite you
7. Talk to merlin again
8. Explore the forest and pick up anything valuable
9. Try clicking on one all of the vines one of them is a rope with white and red rope
10. Keep exploreing the forest
11. Pick up the flute
12. Then go back to the well where the snake bit you when you finished exlporing the forest again
13.  Click on invetory and click the flute first (double click on flute in invetory)
14. Then the snake is sleeping now click on the invetory and double click the rope and to help king lear climb out of the well.
Sorry now that you've passed you have to go to the bunjy jump/diveing in treasure island.


tum tum quest

Quest 2: “The Tum Tum Quest”

1. When you first start the quest accept everything they say. Click on start quest or you can keep reading the ledgand. Now talk to Merlin, Pick up the map from the ground.
2. Now go to the enchanted woods and enter the Tea House, accept everything he says. Pick up the pink bottle from the ground.
3. Now go back to the enchanted woods and click on the mole on the left bottom side. Now open your inventory and drint the Right Posion (The pink bottle).
4. click on the moles home after you have drank the posion, talked to him and he has left.
5. explore the moles home and pick up anything valuable on the ground.
6. When you find your way out, talk to Merlin and follow the cat and the bird, don’t forget to pick up the worms. Explore the forest.
7. When your get to a certain area where the cat is hiding its mouth will pop up (click on the mouth) then its hole body will appear, then a messgae from alice will pop up, talk to her.
8. Open your inventory and doubble click on one of the tarts you got from the underground maze.
9. Now go down, then left, now click on the bird. Doubble click on another tart from your inventory. Keep pressing more when the message comes up.
10. Go to your inventory and double click on the can of worms, then the bird will go down and eat them. Talk to the tree, and when the question comes up, the answer is ” All of the above”
11. Congratulations you have now completed quest 2.

wisdom and courage

Quest 1: “Wisdom and Courage”

1. Talk to merlin and accept everything he says.2.Enter the haunted vally, Then enter the Haunted mansion, click on the mirror.
3. Talk to Shakespeare, Enter the weird brew, now enter the cider cellar. When you try and enter the cidar cellar a message will pop up saying what is a witches best subject at school? The answer is “Spelling”
4. Go to the 1st, then 2nd, then 3rd door. In door 1 you will talk to someone and a item will be added to your inventory. In door 2 a question will pop up, the answer is “As black as a tar barrel” Then a item will be added to your inventory. In door 3 a question will pop up, The answer is “The time has come to talk of many things” then a item will be added to your inventory.
5. Take the notebook back to Shakespeare at the haunted valley, Talk with him. Now enter the Haunted Mansion, now click on the mirror and talk with merlin.
6. Congratulations you have completed quest 1.

Fantage mess secret builders asian

This is the new secret builders game called fantage mezz secretbuilder asian. red ninja is going up a level to newest secret builder games.

If you'd like to play it play then.
Its a wonderful game no cost just free.......

Dance dome grand opening day

Thats cidboy with the green hat and that is big dust the man that looks like a guard...

Welcome the grand opening dance dome is open and ready to be used by you.
So come along and enjoy dancing or checking rooms around chat fun....